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October so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19748
This Months Entries: 24
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Most Active Members:
squiz (15 entries)
maker (9 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 61 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 25 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3042

28th June 2024
Windsurfing: Levington
Wind Direction: W
Wind Stength: 5/20
Surf / Sea State: smooth
Air Temperature: 18
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed: 19.24 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 16.25 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 28th June – Windsurf *** River Orwell at Levington – sunny periods.

Foil – 19.24 knot max , 17.90 knot ave, 4.63 knot hour, 12.86 knot mile, 26.11 km., 13.85 knot alpha.

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Evolution Freeride foil with a Tushingham Bolt 5.5.

With the wind in the west forecast gusting 20 knots early and easing down I decided to head over to Levington early to make the most of the sunshine and breeze, we were having Maeva too so I could get back to see her:) I arrived at the marina at 7.30, I had not checked the tide, I was hoping it was low but coming in, but no it was still dropping until 10.40 but never mind, there was enough water to launch easily and at least the water was flat! Foil board was quickly set up and with a good breeze blowing I nearly rigged 5.2 but went with 5.5 inn the end which was OK in the gusts but under in the lulls, sadly the wind was fairly patchy:( I was quickly up and flying playing slalom around the weed which was floating everywhere but it didn’t cause any problems, not getting any on my foil:) With little wind down the river I spent most of the session doing short runs I front of the marina. It looked windier up river so I slowly beat slowly towards Pin Mill but the wind went particularly patchy! I was heading back to call it a day when I got a few gusts and actually got all the way to the docks but the wind eased again so I slogged back and called it a day. When I was packing up three old barges were slowing slowly to Pin Mill for tomorrows barge race which starts at 8.30, sadly there is very little wind forecast so it will be slow going for them! Shower and home to spend an hour or so with Maeva before walking her home with Mag, now absolutely knackered!

PS - am well chuffed just got my first TV weather pic for June on Look East :)

Photo Album here

Pin Mill Barge Race

Toys Used:
Starboard  Freeride Foil 150
Tushingham Bolt 5.5
Starboard  Evolution Freeride 95-1100-500-95
Gull Vortex Shorty large



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